
Yesterday in Berlin took me into Eastern territory to the area around Alexanderplatz - a centerpiece for the former East Berlin and still a bustling and lively area today. I finally made it to the DDR museum, another small but immensely fascinating museum full of bits of life in the former DDR, from childhood to work life to home life, with samples of everything from clothing to media to typical products; less historical timeline and more a glimpse of life. Life in a divided Berlin is something I crave to understand more fully every year here. While I understand what existed, I still can never fully wrap my head and heart around to a level beyond understanding just what was - to more a sense of feeling what it must have felt like - and chances are, that may not be possible. Maybe that in itself is what I need to understand. I wandered around the banks of the River Spree and bit and explored the area around the Rathaus, which was full of people out enjoying the mild temperatures. Ending back up in Alexanderplatz, I got lost for a few hours in an immense exhibit currently set up in the plaza about the last days of the DDR, and finished the days excursion back at Wittenbergplatz with what else but a sampling of Currywurst.