good stuff

Still more favorite stuff today... you'd think I was getting ready to leave LA or something with the way I've been stacking the days lately. It was too cold to attempt a theme park or whale watching, so I tried to come up with a plan B.  Lunch at Simmzy's, my favorite place in Manhattan Beach; and then a stop in the Flight Path Museum at LAX, another favorite place here - which you really cant photograph appropriately. If you ever get the chance, aside from the great collection of airline and LAX memorabilia and history, be sure to start a conversation with one of the hosts. They are all volunteers, and most or all worked as flight attendants or pilots or in some related field. They always have great stories to tell that are as good as anything in the museum itself. And what's more, its free (or donation requested at least.)  Then a bit more architec-touring in Venice, catching the restored canal area and a few homes of significance.  Top it off with dinner with George & Joe and you've got a pretty full day of good sights, people, and inspiration; and all close by.