crown jewel

I've posted another update of work that really isn't new, but just hadn't ever yet posted to my website. TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras just began a new season this week, so it seemed an appropriate time to post the open and graphics package I did for the show. This is another revision to an open that was originally done in standard definition and was originally only the open for a single special. The show sat on the shelf for a long time before finally airing. Once it later became a series, we had to revise it with new images (not so easy since they were from all sorts of sources with varying sizes, lighting and backgrounds; instead of just all from one shoot like in the original) as well as develop the internal show graphics. The producers of the show made a point of saying that they weren't presenting a judgment for or against child beauty pageants, so they wanted the open to do the same. I highlighted extreme closeups of contestant's details in ways that could be seen as either beautiful or unnatural, depending on the viewers own perspective. Its also a project that I've always liked because the original open was done as an urgent rescue project - when a client calls you with that kind of "help us" request, its a huge compliment.

Toddlers & Tiaras open and graphics package