boston commons

Sunday called for an early morning (ok, well early for me at least) so we could catch the ferry into Boston, where we met up with my pal Spike for the Red Sox game. I'd never done the bleachers experience at Fenway, and it was blazing hot out there. The friendly confines of Fenway turned out not to be due to some fans behind us who crossed the line from rowdy fans (which I'm all for) to jerks, especially after someone called them on it, but so it goes. Most around us left, especially since the Sox were losing (fan karma?) but we stuck it out through the end. Later turned into a nice warm summer night as we headed out for some seafood and drinks, with Spike giving the impromptu tour of sights that we passed along the way in his jeep. A little more time to kill in beantown today and then back to our respective homes.