o'zapft is!

A crisp cool day greeted the annual Bräurosl Sunday festivities this year at Oktoberfest. We all successfully made it bright and early to our meeting point - okay well, not so early, but it seemed like it; still nothing compared to the throngs that were there at 8:30am to make it in without tickets. We managed to find a pretty choice spot in our seating area and each slowly started into our first maß of beer, along with some wiesswurst as a base for the stomach. Once the band arrived, the party began. Friends stopped by as we camped in our spots for a while and we sang with the band as they moved into schlager selections sooner than expected (to my delight.) After getting our chickens (note to Americans, chicken is the traditional Oktoberfest dish, not sausages; and by the way, I have also never ever heard the chicken dance in Germany at Oktoberfest), we began our own wanderings around the tent to different spots, finding friends and making new ones. And before we knew it the night was over. Instead of our traditional rollercoaster at the end of the night, we went on the hunt for a hax'n semmel - an amazing pork sandwich fair-food. We're headed back tonight for rides. Its feels like Oktoberfest came and went so fast this year that I'm glad to be sticking around Munich longer than I usually do this year and to still have the second event next Monday to look forward to, not to mention the more relaxed time for friends and wandering in between.