vegas detour

Taking a detour from Munich to Vegas; this is some recent work from several weeks ago, but I'm finally getting around to posting it after having time to edit the reel together on the train from Paris to Munich. The last day or so in Munich has been what I'm calling a "maintenance day" anyway, having barely left the apartment aside from a trip to the grocery store and staying in to do work, laundry, etc., so there isn't much to post trip-wise anyway. Anyway, this was a project for the folks at E! Entertainment Television: a graphics package for "Holly's Guide to Vegas," a web-based interstitial series to compliment the reality series "Holly's World." The package called for a definite "bling factor" to match the host and location, but because an episode could be on shopping or amusement parks and not just nightclubs or casinos, it had to be generic enough to work with those. You can check out the video reel here: recent work