make a date

It's pretty much custom in my industry (as I think it is in most) to give clients a Christmas gift. When doing mine, I've always tried to come up with things that have some level of self promotion, but are still nice and/or useful so that they don't just go to the trash. For the past few years, my gifts have also used the blind photography that I shoot constantly for this blog (and just as a creative exercise.) I was pretty pleased with the end result this year, so I've decided to do something I've never done before: put the client gift up for sale to anyone. It's not really a money making venture, because I kinda doubt I'll sell more than a few at the very most. It's more just a way of offering them to everyone, because I'd love to give them to everyone, but there's just no way to afford being able to do that. This years client gift was a 2012 calendar featuring collages that blend three photos in each spread, with dates as a vertical strip of horizontal lines. The calendars are spiral-bound softcover books at 8x6" in size (so 16x6" for a full spread.) Unfortunately, they aren't cheap. Printing and shipping costs a little over $20, so I figure I'll just sell em for $21. Any more than that seems like way too much for a calendar, but I don't want to lose money either. Since this isn't a planned commercial venture and I don't sell "products", bear with my homemade figure-it-out-as-we-go approach. If you'd like to buy one, just drop me an email ( and we'll work it out.