recharge …sorta

It was back to Munich for a couple days - almost as an intermission to get my bearings again and rest a bit. The one full day in town I did laundry, got my hair cut (which especially mentally was a big deal),  and wandered to the English Garden to get some river surfing photos for OsoPorto. While there, I realized it was, in fact, the very same river I fell in last time I was here (which of course led to the death of my iPhone - as well as a bit of personal misery/panic/embarassment.) My fall had happened a bit farther down the river, not at the surfing rapids (possibly at the bridge photo?), but the water was still pretty swift. I stayed away from the edge this time and wandered to the Chinese Tower to see if the beer garden was open. It was freezing, so not the best day for it, but I and a few hearty souls (mostly english speakers, naturally) endured the cold to enjoy a maß anyway. Then off to catch up with friends for a final few more beers and cap the night with a box of Bavarian food. Thanks, Munich. You're always good to come home to. 

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