charlie's chicken

Like most guys, I'm not one to cook. I actually seem to be a pretty good cook when I do, but I hate to do it, so I don't. Given that, I do have an appreciation for easy recipes with great results. At my friend Charlie's going away party a couple weeks ago, he had grilled chicken breasts that were easily the best chicken I've ever had. Really. I haven't used it yet, but I did get the recipe, so I figured I'd share:

1 egg
2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup white vinegar
2 Tbsp. Salt
3 Tbsp. Poultry Seasoning
Pepper to taste (a lot)

Charlie says its best when you marinate it overnight, but it can work even with just a half hour of marinating...

Feel free to make some and invite me over. I'll bring the beer.
Jon Berry1 Comment