egg drop

Just in time for Easter... A stock photography company posted in their blog some common design software "easter eggs." In software, DVDs, etc - an easter egg is a hidden "secret" feature. For example, go to and click on the exclamation point - what happens is an Easter Egg. Or if you put in this location on Google Maps (45°7'26"N 123°6'48"W), you get a Firefox logo as a crop circle - with cars and planes below spelling "F X". Or, if you open Microsoft Office Notifications, hold down control-alt-command while opening "about office notifications" and you get an asteroids logo - click on it, and you have the game. These are easter eggs. To find out about eggs in QuarkXpress, Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and others, check out the link. Many are less than exciting, but some are fun.
  • Cre:source: Hidden Treasures in Your Design Software
  • Jon BerryComment