time tunnel

In the American Airlines terminal at LAX, there is a long tunnel with a moving walkway that takes you from the gates to the baggage claim area. It feels a little like a time capsule, as if (perhaps thankfully) it remains from an earlier era, untouched by recent renovations. Before 9/11 it was probably open to passengers and public and alive with traffic in both directions. Since its now been closed to only ticketed passengers exiting the terminal, it creates a stark environment, save for one long wall of colored tile mural. Attempts to shoot pics of the tiles always come out blurred (since I'm always on the moving sidewalk), but I decided thats probably how they were meant to be seen by the artist. Its a nice effect as you pass through the unusually long tunnel with no other breaks in its entire path. I couldn't find any information on its origins or artist online, but I hope it survives any future changes to the terminal.
Jon BerryComment