linked in

I've decided to add a few more blogsites to my links column on the right. Three are from good griends of mine, all who have appeared in my pages here; and one is a more "professional" blog - though I'm not sure if it's considered that or not. I'll start with my friends. First up is Mick, one of my dearest friends who moved from Los Angeles to Albuquerque a few years ago. He updates fairly frequently with random thoughts and observations about life in the Land of the Zia. Keep your eye open for flying saucers. Next is my friend Casey, who moved to Austin recently. He blogged his travel and then disappeared from blogland for a while. He seems to be back fairly frequently with updates on learning to live in Texas. And finally my friend Kris from San Diego, one of my avaiation-obsessed friends. His blog is a personal scrapbook of friends, family, and the occasional airplane/airport report. And finally, there's Curbed LA. Curbed has sister sites in NY, SF, and (gulp) tha Hamptons. (they call that the beach?!) Curbed has a bit of a real estate and development bent, but not too much. If you didn't know better it feels more like gossip and reports on whats being built where, mixed in with other general goings on and just interesting knowledge about the neighborhoods that make up LA - and they usually don't limit themselves to the official city limits of LA. After all, half of LA isn't in LA. Take a bit to peruse, maybe they'll become regular stops of yours too.
  • Mick's blog: Land of the Zia

  • Casey's blog: The Rearview Mirror

  • Kris' blog: Kris in SD

  • Curbed LA
  • Jon BerryComment