rac me amadeus

My buddy Heith hosted a raclette party Saturday night. Raclette (don't worry, I hadn't heard of it either) is a social do-it-yourself food that seems to gaining popularity in the US. It seems to come from Switzerland and can be traced as far back as to Wilhelm Tell in 1291. Raclette involves a "grill" that is similar to a CreepyCrawler or Easy Bake Oven toy with little pie-slice shaped trays. You fill the bottom with meat and then fill the rest with other various ingredients (from potatoes and apples to capers, pickles, bacon and peppers. You then cover those with cheese and let it broil in the "grill." And, well thats pretty much it! You end up with a little tray of warm cheesy goodness to scrape out and feast on. After trying several ingredient combos - all I can say is Yum!
  • Swiss Raclette Association
  • Jon BerryComment